requires more than 60Mb of memory to function correctly. If your hosting service is offering less than 128Mb of memory, YaBB may not function well. The Conversion Utilities require a LOT of HD space. (The 4 folders to be converted will end up with 2 or 3 entire copies of the contents of those folders so as not to damage the original files.) Check with your hosting service to make sure you have enough space. 2.7 requires that *all* older forums, including 2.6, use the conversion utility. If your old forum is in the same cgi-bin as your new 2.7 install, you can direct the Conversion utilities to copy and convert from that location. Otherwise, copy your old Variables, Members, Messages and Boards folder contents into their appropriate Convert/* folders in 2.7. Use for 1x versions of YaBB or for 2x versions of YaBB. The Convert utility will double check the folder permissions and copy the files over for you - this ends the confusion as to exactly which old files need to be copied into Variables and also allows for the old settings in to be imported into the new This is *also* in preparation for future changes in data formatting *and* as a check on YaBB's read/write permissions on the server. NOTE: Old templates will not have all the necessary function calls and variables needed for the new functions and *will not work* - use the new templates and modify them. NOTE: The graphics have been redone and many renamed. Among those graphics that have been renamed are the Group Membership stars. The new default Group Membership stars are .png files. If you are importing settings from an earlier version of YaBB you will need to either import your old stars OR assign the new Group Membership stars to your Member Groups in the Group Membership section of the Admin Center. 2.7.00 is current in Alpha and IS NOT yet suitable for use on a 'production forum'.